Cancellation & Refund

In the unlikely event One It Training cancels a class because the class date has not met minimum enrollment (determined 1 week prior) or postpone a class due to events beyond our control, students will be notified as quickly as possible. In such cases the student may choose to reschedule to a future class date at no additional charge, or receive a refund for money on account relating to that registration.

Because we must schedule rooms, assign instructors and provision computer resources well in advance, it is important students alert us ASAP with any cancel/reschedule requests to avoid penalties or restrictions. Please note the following:

  • Student cancellation or reschedule requests received 8 calendar days or more before the class starts will be processed promptly. Cancellation requests made in this time-frame are eligible for refund of money on account for this specific registration.
  • Student cancellation or reschedule requests made 7 calendar days or less before the class starts will be charged 100% the course fee and are not entitled to a refund.
  • If you are unable to attend your class, a substitute who meets the course prerequisites may attend in your place at no additional charge for the original class title, date and location. If you cannot find a substitute, you will be subject to the class cancellation policy. Substitute needs to be identified and One It Training needs to be informed in writing of the change before the class begins.